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The 60 Minutes Effect

Friday, December 5, 2008 ·

As most of you already know, Infinity Exists’ Full Disclosure Ep. 2 Wep Cracking was featured on CBS’s 60 Minutes “High-Tech Heist” for about 10 seconds. Those few seconds on Nation Television gave us about 40,000 hits on YouTube, and about 750 unique hits on Weeks after the 60 minutes episode aired Infinity Exists is still getting an average of 300 unique hits a day. This is pretty good compared to our 200 hit average before.

However, 60 Minutes brought Infinity Exists to the attention of a few unwanted people. For Example:

People that do not understand what it is to be a hacker, just simply think we are criminals. A Hacker truly is a computer enthusiast that enjoys exploring various computer systems in the pursuit to gain more knowledge. A hacker’s goal is never to harm anyone or anything as the media would like you to believe. The goal of Infinity Exists’ video series Full Disclosure is to inform people about specific security flaws. If there was no one to disclose this information to the general public then everyone would still being using insecure technology and would be at the mercy of criminal crackers.


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